
In vitro fertilization (FIV)

With the advancement of technology and science, people see more possibilities in building a family through assisted reproduction, where many women who cannot have children, either by not having a uterus or by the presence of serious diseases that indicate pregnancy, even having eggs capable of generating a baby and men who have sperm with low locomotion and impaired vitality, as well as homosexual couples, resort to temporary uterus donation or replacement gestation, in search of generating a life.

Popularly known as “test tube baby”, in vitro fertilization is a technique in which the fertilization of gametes occurs in the laboratory.

Also known as assisted reproduction, which consists of a set of techniques that aims to generate another human being without proper sexual intercourse. (MACHADO, 2003).

Assisted reproduction techniques are the solution for couples who have problems with sterility or infertility, or women who want to have an independent production. (MACHADO, 2003)


– Absence or tubal obstruction;
– Failure of tubal resuscitation (reversal of tubal ligation);
– Severe endometriosis;
– Moderate male factor;
– Failure of previous treatments;
– Ovarian failure (Ovodoation Program)
– Genetic Diseases
– Independence
– Sterility
– Infertility